About PEET.ink

Why are we here?

The Supreme Court said corporations are people. PEET.ink is proud to oblige them. Half cold-blooded, profit-driven enterprise, half arthritic, soft-hearted, easily amused bipedal hominid, we are hell-bent on injecting unexpected, fast-paced, off-center stories into the world … while claiming those sweet corporate tax bennies.  We call our products “Snackable Fiction” because they go down easy for entertainment-starved people who, like us, are conditioned by social media and the internet to have the attention span of a golden retriever. PEET.ink products are currently sold on Amazon.com while the publisher attempts to solve the mysteries of placing indie products in indie bookstores. If you’re an indie bookstore open to carrying indie-produced work, please shoot us an email. Maybe you can help us not be beholden to the 500-pound gorilla. 


Need something written? PEET.ink has 30 years of experience in journalism, ad agency creative copywriting and content marketing. Tap the email link in the footer and give us a brief description of your project. Someone will be in touch promptly.